Experiments in Linguistic Meaning (ELM*) 2

Experiments in Linguistic Meaning (ELM*) 2
May 19-21 2022
Email: organizers@elm-conference.net Twitter: @ELM_Conference
We are excited to announce the second Experiments in Linguistic Meaning (ELM) conference to be hosted by the University of Pennsylvania on May 19-21, 2022. The conference is dedicated to the experimental study of linguistic meaning broadly construed, with a focus on theoretical issues in semantics and pragmatics, their interplay with other components of the grammar, their relation to language processing and acquisition, as well as their connections to human cognition and computation. We aim to include representation of linguistic, psychological, logical, philosophical, social, developmental, computational, as well as cross-linguistic and cross-cultural perspectives.
Format: In light of continued uncertainties about international in-person conferences due to COVID, we leave the precise format open at this point. While we sincerely hope to hold the conference in person, we plan to be flexible in terms of accommodating remote presentations where needed, so submissions do not require commitment to in-person attendance. (We will ask for preferences in different scenarios for planning purposes, but this will not be a consideration in acceptance decisions.)

Abstract Submissions via Easy Chair, due December 15, 2021 (11:59pm EST)
November 15, 2021: ELM abstract submissions opens on
Easy Chair (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=elm2)
December 15, 2021: Abstract submission deadline
Feb 15, 2022: Notifications
April 1, 2022: Early registration opens